Friday, December 18, 2009

The Three Bottom Lines

I really like the concept of the triple bottom line (3BL) . Like many of the best ideas it is simple and powerful. The strength of the idea that truly long term advantage requires positive outcomes in three dimensions - economic, social and environmental - is evident in how quickly it has been adopted around the world. The vision of a three legged stool that only stands when each leg is strong comes to mind whenever I think of 3BL.

Unfortunately it is clear that too often the discussion is dominated by just one of the aspects. Whether it is too heavy an emphasis on “green” or on “profits” the result is the same and the three legged stool is bound to fall over.

Kudos to the folks at Tourism Queensland for including not only social, environmental but also information on markets and business development on their sustainability microsite. All three bottom lines are being nurtured in Queensland !Tourism Queensland Sustainability

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tourism Happens

The more I work with destinations the more I realize that tourism happens. We are a curious animal and we like to explore the world around us. As a result people will come and visit our destinations – and if they like it they will tell their friends.

Now – even though tourism happens “good tourism” never just happens. Good tourism makes sure that the destination is supporting its triple bottom line. Good tourism is sustainable. And good tourism takes work.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Two Tourisms

There are two tourisms.

There is the tourism that I speak about when I meet with other people in the tourism industry. This tourism brings prosperity. It enriches individuals and communities. It protects special places by ensuring that people can see their beauty and learn how important it is to preserve and protect their beauty for future generations.

The second tourism is quite different. It is the tourism that brings overcrowding and pollution. It brings exploitation. It destroys special places and ruins local cultures.

Unfortunately sometimes when I am talking about the first tourism the people I am speaking to think I am speaking about the second tourism.

The problem of the two tourisms is one of the biggest problems facing our industry and we have much to do to ensure the second tourism vanishes. We must work today to ensure in the future the second tourism is remembered only as the way we did things in the old days - before we knew better.