Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Green Bubble

I like collecting magazine covers. Standing in front of a well stocked magazine rack is really one of the best ways to get an idea what is on the collective "mind" of the population. So it was exciting in late 2006 and early 2007 it became clear that the environment had finally become a mainstream topic. During that time mainstream publications created "green editions" - each with their own spin on the issues of climate change and environmentalism.

But as time passed and more and more magazines added "Green" editions I started to worry that we were in a "bubble". I knew we were in trouble when Mad magazine ran their Green issue....

And so it comes as no surprise that the collective consciousness is moving on to the "next big thing". This article in Environmental Leader
is testimony that our span of attention is short.

Our challenge is that the issues associated with the environment are complex and will require commitment and sustained attention over a long period of time. Lets hope that we can focus long enough on these big and important issues without being distracted by the next set of "pretty" magazine covers.


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